Scaffolding Accident Injury Attorneys in Walnut Creek

Scaffolding hazards are some of the most serious risks facing construction workers as well as workers engaged in cleaning and repair activities.  A worker can fall from scaffolding, may suffer serious injuries in a scaffolding collapse, or be injured in myriad other ways.

Some of the most common ways that a worker can be injured in a scaffolding accident include:

  • Being hit by debris, tools or equipment falling from above
  • Falling from scaffolding
  • Injuries during a scaffolding collapse

Causes of Scaffolding Injuries

Most scaffolding-related accidents involve a worker falling from scaffolding.  These accidents are caused because workers have not been provided with personal fall arrest systems, and there is no provision for safety nets or guardrails to prevent a fall.

There may also be a failure of the fall arrest system, or other safety devices.

Workers may not have been trained to use the fall arrest system and other safety aids properly.

Scaffolding must also be properly designed and constructed in order to be safe.  Any flaws in the design or construction of the scaffolding can render the structure unstable, and pose a serious fall hazard.

Prevention of Scaffolding Accidents in Walnut Creek

Scaffolding-related accidents can be prevented by investing in safe design, construction and installation.  The scaffolding must adhere to construction codes and all safety standards.  Scaffolding that is constructed using weak parts, unstable bases, rusty components, missing bolts and nails and has other deficiencies is bound to be unstable.

The scaffolding must be inspected by a competent and trained professional, and all scaffolding-related activities must be conducted under the watchful eye of a supervisor.

The risk of injuries involving equipment or debris falling on top of a worker from above can be reduced by making sure that there are protective guards on the sides of the work plank.   Worker training also plays a big part in preventing such injuries.

Workers must be provided personal fall protection gear, and must be trained to identify and avoid risks.

The California construction accident lawyers at the Appel Law Firm represent victims who have been injured in scaffolding accidents in the Walnut Creek area and across California.